Available courses

The topics provide a basic knowledge in general and organic chemistry and their applications for the study of medical laboratory technology. It covers matter, atomic structure the periodic table, chemical bonding, stoichiometry of pure substances, reaction in aqueous solutions, states of matter (gases, liquids, and solids), mixtures (with emphasis on some physical aspects of solutions), and thermochemistry. The course provide some laboratory experiments related to the chemical concepts, ‘’qualitative and quantitative’’ aspects of general chemistry, recording observations, collecting and analyze data, and present the results in a written form

This course equips you with the skills to navigate the exciting world of data science. Through hands-on learning, you'll gain a practical understanding of the data science lifecycle, from collecting and wrangling data to analyzing and visualizing it for effective decision-making. Explore essential techniques like correlation analysis, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), linear regression, and various classification and clustering algorithms. By the end, you'll be familiar with the tools and approaches used by data scientists to extract valuable insights from data.

Human performance is highly dependent on a number of factors, some of which are under our direct control while others are outside our sphere of control. Nonetheless, with the correct application of knowledge, planning and design, systems can be designed with the human in mind to facilitate in human performance.